Insert a Variable into an Answer

Answer variables are predefined shortcuts for entering information into an answer instead of a long string of text.

When an answer displays on the customer portal, the variable is replaced with whatever value was specified by your administrator.

Variables are also helpful to use for information that may change. When your administrator changes the value of the variable, all answers containing that variable will also change. Contact your administrator for a list of variables defined for your application.

For example, if your administrator added a variable for a support email address at your organization called “contact,” you could insert the variable for the email address in the answer, such as $contact. If the email address changes, all answers containing the contact variable are updated.

  1. From an open answer, click the Question, Answer, or Special Response tab on the Content tab and place your cursor where you want to insert the variable.
  2. Enter a dollar sign $ followed by the variable name.
    Note: Because variables are case sensitive, you must enter the variable name exactly as it is defined. See Add or Edit a Variable.


The assigned value displays when customers view the answer.