Associate an Answer with Multiple Access Levels

You can associate multiple access levels with an answer.

If any of the access levels have customer visibility, the answer is visible on the customer portal. In addition, you can control the answers returned in a customer’s search by assigning them SLAs that allow privileged access to specific answers. For example, a customer assigned an SLA with Gold access is able to view all answers with the assigned access levels of Gold, Everyone, or Gold and Everyone.

Access levels are just one way of controlling answer visibility. For information about other ways to control answer visibility, see How to Control Answer Visibility.

  1. Right-click the answer on the content pane and select Open.
  2. Click Access Level and select the check box next to each access level you want to assign to the answer.

    This image shows the content pane with Access Level check-box options.
  3. To view the answer as customers will see it on the customer portal, click the Quick Preview tab.
  4. Click Save.