Add Product Registration Files to Your Customer Portal

The widgets necessary for product registration are included in the standard widgets on the reference implementation. The page files, however, aren't provided as part of the reference implementation.

The procedure for adding product registration files instructs you to overwrite several of the reference implementation pages. If you have customized these files, best practice suggests making a copy of these files and then customizing the new files with the same changes that you made to the original reference implementation pages. Having backup files also lets you revert from the new functionality to your previous implementation if necessary.

  1. Download the
  2. Unzip the files to your workstation.
  3. Copy the unzipped files to the appropriate customer portal file.

    Adding Product Registration Files to the Customer Portal

    Downloaded Files Customer Portal Location
    Asset32.png /cp/customer/assets/themes/standard/images/icons
    standard.php /cp/customer/development/views/templates
    ask.php /cp/customer/development/views/pages
    detail.php /cp/customer/development/views/pages/account/questions
    overview.php /cp/customer/development/views/pages/account
  4. Copy the assets folder from the unzipped files to /cp/customer/development/views/pages/account.
    The folder should contain the following files.
    • asset_registration_confirmation.php
    • detail.php
    • list.php
    • register_asset.php
    • serialnumber_validate.php
    • update_registered_product.php
  5. Modify the site.css file in /cp/customer/assets/themes/standard by following these steps.
    1. Open the downloaded site.css file in a text editor and copy all content.
    2. Open the /cp/customer/assets/themes/standard/site.css file in a text editor.
    3. Paste the copied content from the downloaded file to the end of the /cp/customer/assets/themes/standard/site.css file.
    4. Save site.css.
    Note: You're going to add content to the existing site.css file. Do not replace /cp/customer/assets/themes/standard/site.css with the downloaded site.css file.
  6. To let your customers view products that are registered to other members of their organization, set a non-zero value for the MYQ_VIEW_ORG_ASSETS configuration setting.
    1. Log in to B2C Service.
    2. Double-click Configuration Settings in Site Configuration > Configuration.
    3. Enter MYQ_VIEW_ORG_ASSETS in the Key field and click Search.
    4. In the row for MYQ_VIEW_ORG_ASSETS, click the Value column.
    5. Enter 1 if you want customers to be able to see products from others in their organization, or type 2 if you want them to see products from others in their organization and all its subsidiaries.
    6. Click Save.