Check Spelling Manually

Rather than correcting each misspelled word individually as you work, you may prefer to wait until you are done entering all information for the record before you check the spelling.

Only the fields that are designated for spell checking are checked. Misspelled words in other fields will not be identified. If no fields have spell check properties, a message will let you know there are no fields marked for spell check.

In order to check spelling manually, the workspace ribbon must contain Spell Check. Ribbons are defined when your administrator creates workspaces, which are then assigned to your profile.

  1. Click Spell Check.
    The Spell Checker window opens, and the first misspelled word is highlighted in the Not in Dictionary field.
  2. Select one of the spell checker options.

    Spell Checker Window Options

    Option Description
    Ignore Once Click this button to ignore this occurrence of the misspelled word.
    Ignore All Click this button to ignore all occurrences of the misspelled word during your current session.
    Add to Dictionary Click this button to add the word to your local dictionary.
    Change Click this button to replace this occurrence of the misspelling with the suggestion you select from the options in the Suggestions field.
    Change All Click this button to replace all occurrences of the misspelling with the suggestion you select from the options in the Suggestions field.
    Suggest More Click this button to find additional suggested replacements for the misspelled word.
    Options Click this button to select the spelling options you want the spell checker to use when it checks your spelling.
    Undo Click this button to undo the most recent change to a word. Additional button clicks undo one change at a time, in reverse order of the original changes.

    Only the changes that have been made since the Spell Checker window was opened can be undone.

    Help Click this button to open help information for the spell checker.
    Cancel Click this button to cancel the spell check.
  3. Click OK.