Cluster Text Responses

Grouping responses and identifying themes can help you analyze text responses received from customers.

  1. In the Topic Monitoring section on the Results tab, click Go.
    The Topic Monitoring Wizard opens.
  2. Select a question from the Select a Survey Question drop-down list.
    The question text appears below the menu.
    Note: In order to be clustered, the question you select must have received at least ten responses.
  3. Select Cluster Responses.
  4. To view recent cluster results without re-clustering, select View Previous Results and see the descriptions in the Topic Monitoring Report table.
  5. Click Finish.
    The Topic Monitoring Wizard closes and the Clustering Progress section displays on the Results tab.

    When clustering is complete, the resulting themes display on the Results tab.

    Topic Monitoring Report

    Field Description

    Report Fields

    Topic monitoring results include the following information.

    Theme Name

    This column displays the keywords that identify the theme or the name specified for the theme. Click the theme name to drill down into sub-themes, if they exist.


    This column displays the number of text responses included in the theme. Click this number to drill down into the report and view a list of the text answers.

    Average SmartSense

    This column displays the average SmartSense rating for the text responses included in the theme.

    Theme Definition

    Click Details to view the top keywords for the theme and the theme type.

    Change Results Report

    Click this text to return to the default Results tab.


    Use the options in this section to cluster responses, reset clustering, edit themes, and open the Topic Monitoring Wizard.

    Cluster Responses

    Click this option to recluster the responses using your customized themes.

    Reset Clustering

    Click this option to recluster the responses without using your customized themes.

    Your custom themes are retained. However, they cannot be used during this clustering session.

    Edit Themes

    Click this option to edit the themes used in clustering. See Edit Themes.

    Clustering Wizard

    Click this option to open the Topic Monitoring Wizard and cluster responses for a different question.

    Question Info

    This section displays the name and Question ID of the selected question.