Configure Inline Aggregate Reporting

Inline aggregate reporting lets you insert columns in custom reports to show aggregate information that could not normally display due to restraints on database query size.

  1. Create a column in a report to collect the aggregate data.
    1. Click Analytics on the navigation pane.
    2. Double-click Reports Explorer.
    3. Do one of the following:
      • Click New Report and select a report format to create a new report.
      • Right-click an existing report and select Edit.
    4. Click Add Column on the Home tab.
      The Column Definition window opens. See Add a Column to a Report.
    5. Configure the column to display the aggregate data you want.
      See Functions for Reports for a list of aggregate functions you can use in reports.
    6. Add a runtime selectable filter or a variable to the report.
      Inline aggregate reporting requires that the report you link to includes at least one variable or runtime selectable filter. See Add Report Variables or Create a Fixed or Runtime Selectable Filter.
    7. Click Save.
  2. Create a new report or edit a report that will link to the column created in the previous step.
    • Click New Report and select a report format to create a new report, or
    • Right-click an existing report and select Edit.
  3. Click Inline Aggregate on the Insert tab. The Inline Aggregate Wizard opens.
    1. Enter a column header for the new column.
    2. Enter an optional column description.
    3. Click Next.
    4. Select the report containing the aggregate column you want to link to and click Next.
    5. Select the values you want to use for the linked aggregate report’s variables and runtime selectable filters.
      The values you specify determine what data is shown in the aggregate column. Required variables and filters are indicated with a red flag and you must set a value for these. You must also map at least one indexed filter in the report containing the aggregate column to a column in the parent report
    6. Select the values you want to use for the linked aggregate report’s variables and filters from the Use drop-down list.

      Variable and Filter Value Types

      Type Description

      Parent Column Value

      Select this option to use the values in a column in the parent report to populate the linked aggregate report’s variable or filter.

      This option is available only when the parent report includes a column with the same data type, such as text, integer, or menu, as the linked aggregate report’s variable or filter.

      Parent Filter Value

      Select this option to populate the aggregate report’s variable or filter with the current value from one of the parent report’s filters.

      This option is available only when the parent report has filters with the same data type and operator as the linked aggregate report’s variable or filter.

      Parent Variable Value

      Select this option to populate the linked aggregate report’s filter with the current value from one of the parent report’s variables.

      This option is available only when the parent report has variables with the same data type and operator as the linked aggregate report’s variable or filter.

      Default Value

      Select this option to use the default variable or filter value specified in the linked aggregate report for the variable or filter value.

      Custom Value

      Select this option to specify a custom value for the variable or filter. The values you can enter depend on the data type and available options. For instance, if a filter uses a text field, you can enter the text you want to use for the filter’s value. If a filter uses a menu field containing staff accounts, you select the staff accounts you want from a menu.

  4. Click Finish.
  5. Click Save.