Create a Custom Configuration Setting

When you create a new configuration setting, it is considered a custom configuration setting. By default, every custom configuration setting name starts with CUSTOM_CFG_ and is automatically assigned to a Custom folder in the folder hierarchy.

You define whether your custom setting will be an interface-specific setting or one that is shared across all interfaces (site specific). For site-specific settings, you can view and edit settings across multiple interfaces at the same time. After you create a custom configuration setting, you can edit only its value and its folder location.
  1. Click New on the ribbon and select the data type: Text, Integer, Menu, Yes/No, or Date/Time.
    A new configuration setting opens on the content pane.

    This image shows a new configuration-setting window, with Key, Data Type, Type, Required, and Folder options specified. Additional details are described in the text that follows.
  2. Enter field information.

    Custom Configuration Setting

    Field Description

    Configuration Entry Information

    Fields in this section define the parameters for the custom configuration setting, including name, field type, interface level, folder location, and field length.


    Enter the name of your custom configuration setting after CUSTOM_CFG_, which populates in this field. All custom configuration settings must start with CUSTOM_CFG_.

    Data Type

    The data type you select on the ribbon is populated in this field.

    Note: This is a read-only field and cannot be edited. If you need to make changes to the Data Type field, you must either close the new setting without saving or delete it if it has been saved.


    Click this drop-down list to select the setting type, either Site or Interface.

    Site—Classifies the custom configuration setting as shared across all interfaces. (Default)

    Interface—Classifies the custom configuration setting as interface-specific only.


    Click this drop-down list to define whether the custom configuration setting is required.


    Click the Search icon to define a folder location for your custom configuration setting. By default, all custom configuration settings must be located in the Custom folder or a custom subfolder.

    Note: Ten subfolders can be nested under the Custom folder. Each subfolder can contain three child folders.


    Enter the configuration setting default value in this field. The format of this field varies depending on the data type.

    *Maximum Length

    Enter the maximum length allowed in the Value field of a Text data type field. (1-300,000 characters)

    This field displays only for Text data types.


    Enter a regular expression format that the configuration setting value must conform to in this field. See Regular Expressions.

    This field displays only for Text data types.

    *Minimum Value

    Enter the minimum value allowed in the Value field of an Integer data type field. (Limited to -999999999)

    This field displays only for Integer data types.

    *Maximum Value

    Enter the maximum value allowed in the Value field of an Integer data type field. Default is 99999. (Integer fields can contain up to 9 digits.)

    This field displays only for Integer data types.

    *Predefined Menu

    Click this drop-down to select a predefined menu list in the Value field of a Menu data type field. Options include Currencies and Time Zones.

    This field displays only for Menu data types.


    This section displays the interface name, language, and description.


    Enter a description of the configuration setting in this field.


    This section displays the interface type (either site or interface name) and lets you set custom configuration setting values. If you have more than one interface, you can set a value for each interface.


    Enter the value of the custom configuration setting in this field.

  3. Click Save.


After closing the editor, the custom configuration setting displays in the tree in the Custom folder you saved it in.

What to do next

You may be required to log out of B2C Service and log back in for your changes to take effect.