Create a Menu-Only Custom Object

You can create a custom menu-only object.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Database, and then double-click Object Designer.
  3. To create a package for the object, click New > Package.
  4. Enter the name you want for the package.
    Package names must be eleven characters or less.
    Note: You can also add custom objects to the default CO package. Package names are used in the names of tables created in the database for custom objects. For example, if you create a WarrantyMenu object in the CO package, the resulting table name will be CO$WarrantyMenu.
  5. Select the package you want to add the custom object to.
  6. Click New > Menu Only Object.
  7. Enter a name for the object in the Name field.

    The name you define identifies the object in the database. Staff members generally see the custom object’s label, defined below, when working with the object. Object names must start with a letter, cannot contain special characters other than the underscore character (only single underscores are allowed), and cannot contain more than twenty characters. In addition, certain words cannot be used as object or field names since they are reserved for use by other processes. If you attempt to save an object that uses a reserved word, a validation message informs you that the name must be changed.

  8. Click Add.
  9. Click the new row and then enter a name for the menu item.
  10. Repeat steps 7 and 8 to add other menu items.
  11. To add language-specific labels to the menu items, click Convert to Menu with Labels.
    This action cannot be undone and it cannot be selected after the object is deployed. Use this option if your site has interfaces with different languages.
    1. Click Show Label Grid, to display the label grid.
    2. Enter the text you want to display for the menu item for each interface in the grid’s Label field.
    3. To hide the grid, click Hide Label Grid.
    Note: After menu-only objects with labels are deployed, you can modify the text for the labels by editing the objects from Customizable Menus.
  12. To change the ordering of the menu items in the list, click the up or down arrow next to the name of the item that you want to move.
  13. To specify a label for the custom object that is different from the name entered in step 7, enter the label you want in the Custom Object Labels Label field.
    Labels are language specific, so you can use different labels for interfaces with different languages. When an object is initially named, the object’s label is automatically populated with the object’s name. If the object’s name is later edited, the label is not automatically updated.
  14. To add a description for the object, enter the description you want in the Custom Object Labels Description field.
    Descriptions are language specific, so you can use different descriptions for interfaces with different languages.
  15. To add notes about the custom object that you or other staff members can read, such as why the object was created, click the Notes arrow.
    1. Enter the note you want in the text field.
    2. Click Add.
    3. To add additional notes, repeat steps 15a and 15b. To delete notes that have previously been added, click Delete.
    4. To save changes to the notes, click Save.
    You can add or delete notes in custom objects even after they are deployed.