Create a System Attribute

System attributes are custom fields on standard objects, and are created and managed from the object designer. You can create system attributes for accounts, answers, assets, contacts, incidents, opportunities, organizations, quotes, sales products, and tasks.

A combined maximum of 500 system attributes and custom fields can be created for each standard object. That is, if you have 100 incident custom fields, you could create 400 system attributes for the incident object. In addition, you can index a maximum of 9 custom fields for each standard object, and allocate the remainder to system attributes.
  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Database, and then double-click Object Designer.
  3. Select the package where you want to place the system attribute.
  4. Click New > System Attribute, and then select the standard object for which you want to create the field.
    The Object Fields editor displays, with the list of fields (system attributes) for the object.
  5. Click Add New Field, and then select the field type.
  6. Enter the fields.

    Field Details for System Attributes

    Field Description
    Name Enter a column name for the field up to 30 characters long. The name cannot contain spaces.
    Package Select an existing package, or click Add Package.
    Field Options Select field options:
    • Is Auto Update
    • Is Nullable
    • Is Read Only
    • Is In Single Field Index

    Depending on the field type, not all of the check boxes are enabled.

    Field Settings These vary depending on the field type. For example, text fields have Field Usage and Length of Field settings.
    Label Enter a label if desired. The field name is the default.
    Description Enter a display name for the field.
  7. To define relationships for the system attribute, click Relationships.
  8. Follow the procedure described in Custom Object Relationships.
    This step is optional for system attributes. If you need to define a relationship to a custom object, you can do so when editing the object.
    Note: Relationships between the quotes and opportunities standard objects are not supported.
  9. To define indexes for the system attribute, click Indices.
  10. Perform the steps regarding indexes in the Create a Custom Object procedure.
    Adding indexes to system attributes is optional.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Click Deploy.


After you deploy the system attribute, it can be used in reports, workspaces, and custom objects, and you can manage and edit the system attribute from the object designer.