Create the Incident Milestones Report

To display resolution due calculations, you must create a custom incident milestones report and then add it to a custom incident workspace.

  1. Create a new report with column definitions.

    Custom Incident Milestones Report Columns

    Heading Definition
    Initial Response Status if(incidents.status_type=2,100,round(((date_diff(sysdate(), incidents.rel_due))*-1)/60,0))
    Initial Response Due incidents.rel_due
    Time Remaining if(incidents.status_type=2,0,round(((date_diff(incidents.rel_due, sysdate())))/60,0))
    Resolution Due Status round(((date_diff(sysdate(), milestone_instances.due_date))*-1)/60,0)
    Resolution Due milestone_instances.due_date
    Time Remaining if(incidents.status_type=2,0,round(((date_diff (milestone_instances.due_date,sysdate())))/60,0))
  2. Use the conditional formatting described in this table for the Initial Response Status and Resolution Due Status columns.

    Conditional Formatting for Status Flags

    Condition Display Image Color

    Greater than 15

    Image Only



    Less than or equals 0

    Image Only



    Less than or equals 15

    Image Only



  3. Use the Minutes (Days, Hours, Minutes) format for both Time Remaining columns.
  4. Set the following report options to refresh the data regularly:
    • Refresh the report when data shown is changed in the editor.
    • Automatically the refresh report by selecting Regular interval > Auto-Refresh enabled by default > Interval 55 Seconds.
  5. Clear all of the check boxes in the Customize Record Commands window so that no commands will be available at runtime.
  6. Click Save.