Credit an Incident to an SLA Instance

After an SLA instance has been applied to the customer, you can credit incidents submitted by that customer against the SLA instance as long as the incident occurs within the active date period.

  1. From an incidents report, right-click the incident and select Open > Incident.
  2. Click the Details tab.
  3. Click the drop-down list on the SLA Instance field and select an SLA instance.
    The incident is credited to the SLA instance you select.
    Note: Every time an incident is credited to an SLA instance, the number of available incidents is reduced. When the last incident is credited, the customer’s SLA is disabled.
  4. Click Save.


If you have enabled resolution due calculations and the SLA has a response time defined, you will be able to view the resolution due date and time after saving the incident. See Resolution Due Calculations.