Edit Service Email Configuration Settings

You can configure mail processing functions such as the email gateway, contact record creation, contact association priority for incoming email, and email loop prevention from the Configuration Settings editor.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Site Configuration, and then double-click Configuration Settings.
    The Search window opens, where you can filter your search results.
  3. Clear the Select All check box below the Folders field and then select the RightNow Common check box.
  4. To search for a specific configuration setting in the RightNow Common folder, enter the setting name in the Key field. The Key field is not case sensitive.
    Tip: You can search part of a configuration setting name by appending a wildcard, such as an asterisk or a percentage sign, to the end of your search term.
  5. Click Search.
    The Configuration Settings editor displays the settings in the RightNow Common folder that match your search criteria.

    To display configuration settings in alphabetical order, click in the Key column header.

  6. Expand the folders under RightNow Common/Service Modules and edit the configuration settings in the Oracle Email folder.
    For information about a setting, click the setting and see the description that appears on the Configuration Settings editor. For complete details about the Configuration Settings editor, including searching, editing, and creating custom configuration settings, see Edit a Configuration Setting.