Edit a Message

Your individual messages can be edited using the Message Templates editor.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Site Configuration, and then double-click Message Templates.
  3. Select the interface you want to customize.
    By default, the categories for administrator notifications display on the right.
  4. Click the appropriate button on the ribbon Show group.
    The categories for the message type, such as administrator notifications, administrator emails, contact emails, or print templates, display on the right.
  5. Click the arrow to the left of the category to see the individual notifications or emails associated with the category.
  6. Click Edit to the right of the HTML check box for the message you want to customize.
    The message opens on a subtab and becomes the active subtab.
  7. To edit the subject of the message, enter in the Subject field.
    For the best practice on creating effective subject lines, see Ensuring that contacts read your message.
  8. To edit a merge field in the subject, double-click the merge field. See Insert a Text Merge Field.
  9. To add a merge field in the subject, click the Merge Field icon, which is to the right of the Subject field, and select the field.
    Tip: You cannot add merge fields to the subject of print templates or any of the forward-type messages.
  10. To add conditional subject lines to your message, click Advanced to the right of the Merge Field icon next to the Subject field and see Add a Conditional Subject Line.
  11. Enter in the content placeholder, which is designated by the area inside the red box, and edit the message using the hyperlinks, buttons, dynamic content, and other features available on the HTML editor. See How You Add HTML in Design Mode.
  12. To view your most recently deployed content, click Live.
  13. To revert to the system default message, click Restore.
  14. To remove the global template from your message, click Template. If you click Template again, the global template is reapplied to your message.
  15. To spell check your content, click Spelling.
  16. To preview your message, click the Preview tab at the bottom of the HTML editor.
  17. To see how your dynamic content displays, either by incident or contact, click the Search icon next to the Preview Incident or Preview Contact field.
    The Search window opens where you can search for an incident or a contact to use when the message is previewed on the Preview tab.
  18. To send your edited message to another staff member for review, click Proof on the ribbon.
  19. Click OK on the ribbon to save your edits and close the message.

    At this point, your changes are not active because they have not been deployed or committed to the database. See How You Deploy the Global Template.