Edit a Survey Page

After you add a Survey Page element to your flow diagram, you can edit its attributes to add questions and HTML content, set the page title, and define the buttons you want to use on your page.

For multiple-page surveys, you can add next and previous buttons to your pages. Because the next button performs a submit function when it is clicked, after respondents finish a page and perform a submit, answers from that page are saved so they can easily go back and forth between pages. This makes it easy to review or change answers from a previous page or to come back at a later date to finish a survey. You can also customize the appearance of the button text and style attributes to make it more applicable for each survey page.

For best practices about using back and next buttons, see Standard element placement when using next and back buttons.

  1. Double-click the Survey Page element.
    The New Survey Page window opens.
  2. Click an option in the Page Tasks section.

    Page Tasks

    Button Description

    Add a Question

    Click this button to add a question to the questionnaire. See Add a Question to a Survey.

    Add HTML Content

    Click this button to add HTML content to the questionnaire. See How the HTML Editor Works.

    Set Page Title

    Click this button to change the title of the page from the default “Page <page number>.” See Set the Page Title.

    Modify Buttons

    Click this button to modify the text of the buttons or remove buttons from a page. See Modify Buttons.