Edit Conditional Format Options

You can change how values display in a column based on conditions you specify.

Conditional formatting flags information in output columns without creating a data exception. For example, you could add formatting to a column in an incidents report to display the column’s output in red text if an incident’s status is Unresolved. Multiple format options can be used to flag output using images, background colors, and fonts.

Conditional formatting isn't available for columns that return hierarchical values.

  1. Right-click the header of the column you want to modify and select Edit Format.
    The Column Format window opens.
  2. Click the Conditional tab.
  3. Click Add. The Conditional Format window opens.

    The options shown on the Condition tab depend on the type of data output in the column the condition is added to. For example, a column that outputs dates has operators and values that are unique to date fields.

  4. Select the operator and value(s) you want flagged.
  5. Click the Format tab to define how the flagged data displays.
  6. Enter field information.

    Conditional Format Window

    Field Description
    Display Click this drop-down list to select the type of formatting you want to use to indicate column output that meets the selected condition(s).
    Image and Text Select this option to show images next to the column output that meets the selected condition(s) and display the output with different font options.
    Image Only Select this option to show an image next to the column output that meets the selected condition(s).
    Text Only Select this option to use different font options for column output that meets the selected condition(s).
    Image Click this drop-down list to select the image to display. Options include Circle, Square, Flag, Check, Up Arrow, Down Arrow, and Custom. Select Custom to select the image from the Images explorer.

    This drop-down list is disabled if Text Only is the selected display option.

    Change Color Click this text to change the color of the selected image.

    The color of custom images cannot be changed.

    Preview This field displays a preview of the selected image, text, or both, depending on the selected display option.
    Change Style Click this text to select font attributes for conditional column text.
  7. Click OK.
  8. If multiple conditional formats are applied to the column, define the order in which the formats should be applied.

    Multiple conditional formats can be applied to the same column to indicate different values. For example, different incident statuses can have different font colors or images. When a column has multiple formats, the order of the conditions is important since this determines which condition is applied first. If a row in a report meets both the first and second conditions in a column, only the first condition is applied to the value.

    1. Select the conditional format to move from the Conditional Formats list.
    2. Click the Move Up or Move Down arrows to move the conditional format up or down in the list.