Edit Data Type Column Format Options

The options for editing a report column vary depending on the column data type.

  1. Right-click the header of the column you want to modify and select Edit Format.
    The Column Format window opens, and the tab on the top-left of the window is active. The tab’s contents vary depending on whether you are editing a column that contains text, dates, numbers, or currency. The fields available on the Text, Date, Number, and Currency tabs are described in the following tables.
  2. To define options for a text column, enter the field information described here.

    Text Tab

    Field Description
    Text Length

    Define limits to the length of text strings appearing in the column.

    Do not limit text length

    Select this option to allow an unlimited length of text strings in the column. The column is automatically resized to fit the length of the output text.

    This option is not available for menu type fields.

    Limit text to x characters Select this option to limit the text string length to a certain number of characters and then enter the number of characters. Text strings that exceed this value are truncated.
    Text Options Define options to determine how column contents are displayed.
    Display “more” link when text width exceeds cell width Select this check box to display a link in a row whose text exceeds the allowed width of the column. When a link displays, you can click the link or hover over it to open a window with the full text.
    Display tooltip when cell text exceeds cell bounds

    Select this option to display a tooltip showing the field’s entire text entry when hovering over a field with a text entry that exceeds the width of the column.

    This option is available only from the Options button on the Format tab.

    Strip HTML tags Select this check box to remove HTML tags from text that's displayed in a column.
    NULL Values Define how NULL values in the database should display.
    Display Blank Select this option to display a blank for NULL values.
    Display as No Value Select this option to display No Value for NULL values.
  3. To define options for a date column, enter the field information described here.

    Date Tab

    Field Description
    Date Format

    Click this drop-down list to select the date format you want to use for date fields. Options include Date Time, Long, Short, Month Year, Clock, Month Day, Year, Date Time (time zone), and Custom.

    When you select any option other than Custom, the selected format displays in the Format String field so you can see the string that's used for the selected format.

    Format String Enter the format string for the custom date format in this field when the Custom date format option is selected.
    NULL Values Define how NULL values in the database should display.
    Display Blank Select this option to display a blank for NULL values.
    Display as No Value Select this option to display No Value for NULL values.
  4. To define options for a numeric column, enter the field information described here.

    Number Tab

    Field Description
    Show Value As

    Click this drop-down list to select the format to use when displaying content in numeric columns. Options include Number, Seconds, Minutes, Percent, and File Size.

    The options available on the Number tab vary depending on the selected value format.

    Digit Grouping

    Define whether digits are grouped in threes. For example, instead of the column returning 123456, you can group the digits to return 123,456.

    This option appears only when the selected value format is Number, Decimal, or Percent.

    Do not show group separator Select this option to prevent the values in the column from including a separator character.
    Use default group separator Select this option to use the default group separator character. The default separator is a comma.
    Use custom group separator Select this option to define your own group separator character. Enter the character you want to use in the field.

    Define how decimal and percentage formats should display.

    This option appears only when the selected value format is Percent.

    Decimal Places Enter the number of decimal places to display in the output.
    Use default decimal separator Select this option to use the default group separator character. The default separator is a period.
    Use custom decimal separator Select this option to define your own decimal separator character. Enter the character you want to use in the field.
    Multiply by 100

    Select this check box to multiply the decimal values by 100.

    This option appears only when the selected value format is Percent.

    Seconds When the column outputs a value in seconds, specify the format you want to display the time in. The available options are Days, Hours, Minutes, and Hours, Minutes, Seconds.
    Minutes When the column outputs a value in minutes, specify the format you want to display the time in. The available options are Days, Hours, Minutes, and Hours, Minutes.
    NULL Values Define how NULL values in the database should display.
    Display Blank Select this option to display a blank for NULL values.
    Display as 0 Select this option to display 0 for NULL values.
  5. To define options for a currency column, enter the field information described here.

    Currency Tab

    Field Description
    Use Default Currency Format Select this option to use default currency settings, as specified by your administrator. When this option is selected, most of the other fields on the Currency tab are disabled.
    Use the Following Format Options Select this option to define your own currency format settings. When you select this option, the fields on the Currency tab are enabled.
    Display Symbol Select this option to display the symbol for the currency. For example, ten U.S. dollars would display as $10.00.
    Display Code Select this option to display the code for the currency. For example, ten U.S. dollars would display as 10.00USD.
    Digit Grouping The options in this section let you group digits in threes. For example, instead of the column returning $123456, you can group the digits to return $123,456.
    Do Not Show Group Separator Select this option to prevent the values in the column from including a separator character.
    Use Default Group Separator Select this option to use the default group separator character. The default separator is a comma.
    Use Custom Group Separator Select this option to define your own group separator character. Enter the character you want to use in the field.
    Decimal Define how decimal and percentage formats should display.
    Decimal Places Enter the number of decimal places to display in the output.
    Use Default Decimal Separator Select this option to use the default group separator character. The default separator is a period.
    Use Custom Decimal Separator Select this option to define your own decimal separator character. Enter the character you want to use in the field.
    NULL Values Define how NULL values in the database should display.
    Display Blank Select this option to display a blank for NULL values.
    Display as 0 Select this option to display No Value for NULL values.