Edit or Delete a Custom Object

Before custom objects are deployed, you can change any part of their configuration or delete them without impacting the database since they have not been written to the database.

If you make numerous changes to custom objects that you later decide not to deploy, you can roll back the changes and the custom objects will revert to the state they were in at the time of the previous deployment (if the custom objects have never been deployed, all custom objects are removed).

After deploying custom objects, you can still update or delete them if necessary, although you must then redeploy them to implement the changes to the database. We recommend redeploying custom objects only if necessary since the database will be altered.

There are some important considerations to keep in mind before you delete custom objects or fields in custom objects.

  • Deleting custom objects that have relationships to other objects results in the relationships also being deleted.
  • Deleting fields in custom objects that are used in relationships will also delete the relationships.
  • Deleting fields from custom objects that are used in indexes will also delete the indexes, whether they are single-field or multi-field indexes.
  • When you delete menu-only custom objects that are used in menu fields in other custom objects, those menu fields are also deleted.
Note: You can create custom data lifecycle management policies for archiving and purging custom objects. See Data Lifecycle Management.
  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Database, and then double-click Object Designer.
  3. To edit a custom object, select the object in the Custom Objects list and make your changes.
    Note: To edit items in a menu-only custom object that has been deployed, use the Customizable Menus configuration item. After a menu-only object is deployed, it is treated the same way as other menu objects, such as industry types or incident queues.
  4. To delete a custom object, select the object in the Custom Objects list and click Delete.
  5. Click Yes.
    1. To restore the deleted custom object, click Undelete.
      This button is disabled if the custom object was not previously deployed.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Deploy the custom objects.
  8. Close the object designer.
    If you attempt to close the object designer without saving your changes, a Data Modified message displays asking if you want to save the changes. If you select No, all changes to your objects will be lost.