Enable Inline Editing

When a report displays unique records, such as incidents or opportunities, the Inline Editing feature lets you edit the values in columns shown on the report without opening the records.

Before you start

You can configure inline editing in reports only if your profile includes the Modify Inline Report Editing permission on the Analytics tab.

Individual values can be edited directly from the report, or groups of records can be selected to edit values in multiple records. For example, if a report shows the staff member an incident is assigned to, you can change the assigned staff member from the report without opening the record, or you can reassign several incidents shown on the report to a selected staff member.

By default, inline editing is enabled for all editable columns in the report. Only certain columns, such as those containing unique values, can be edited inline. Custom objects, other than menu-only objects, included in your report can also be edited inline.

Here's what to do

  1. Open the report you want to edit.
  2. Click Inline Editing on the Home tab and select Allow Inline Editing.
  3. To specify the columns you want inline editing enabled for, click Inline Editing again and select Choose Editable Columns.
    The Editing Options window opens.
  4. Enter field information.

    Editing Options Window

    Field Description

    Allow Inline Editing

    Select this check box to enable editing from the report.

    Automatically Save Inline Edit Changes

    Select this check box to enable the Auto Save feature by default.

    Select Columns You Wish to Make Available for Editing

    Select the check boxes next to the report’s columns that you want to make available for editing.

    Reports with multiple output levels show all output levels in an expandable tree. Only columns that return unique, editable values from database fields are available for editing. For example, a column that returns the staff account an incident is assigned to is available for inline editing, but a column that returns incident creation dates or a count of incidents isn't.

  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Save.