Format Messages

By default, all B2C Service notifications and emails are enabled and sent in multipart format, which includes text and HTML versions of the same message in a single email. You can customize the format settings from the Message Templates editor.

You can disable most messages and you can specify the format as text only. The version that displays to recipients is ultimately determined by their mail client settings, but most mail clients display the HTML version by default.
  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Site Configuration, and then double-click Message Templates.
  3. Select the interface you want to customize.
    By default, the categories for administrator notifications display on the right.
  4. Click the appropriate button on the ribbon Show group.
    The categories for the message type, such as administrator notifications, administrator emails, or contact emails, display on the right.
  5. Click the arrow to the left of the category to see the individual notifications or emails associated with the category.
    Descriptions of each message as well as Last Deployed and Last Updated labels are listed under the category. Both labels show the date and time the latest deployment and edit was made. If a message has been edited but has not been deployed or if a deployment has not been committed to the database, the labels display “Pending...” instead of the date and time.
  6. To disable any of the messages, clear the Send check box next to the message. By default, all messages are enabled.
    Note: Messages that do not have a Send check box cannot be disabled because they support essential functions.
  7. To send the message as text, clear the HTML check box next to the message to be sent. By default, all messages are sent in multipart format.
    Messages that do not have an HTML check box are console-only notifications and are not sent by email.
  8. Click Save.