Message Ribbon

When you edit a message, it opens below the Message Templates editor content pane tab on its own subtab with its own ribbon.

Message Ribbon

Group/Button Description
Editor When you undock a message template, the label for this group changes to Commit.


Click this button to save the changes you have made to the message template that is open on the active subtab. The subtab closes.


Click this button to abandon changes you have made to your message. The subtab closes and the Home tab becomes the active subtab.


Click this button to undock the message from its subtab and open it in its own window.


This group displays only when a message has been undocked.

Dock to Console

Click this button to redock the message to the editor on its own subtab.


The buttons in this group commit changes to the database for the global templates as well as the messages across all interfaces.


Click this button to commit pending changes to the database and keep the editor open.

This button is not available from an undocked message.

Save and Close

Click this button to commit pending changes to the database and close the Message Templates editor.

This button is not available from an undocked message.


Deploy All

Click this button to deploy the entire set of messages as well as the global templates across all interfaces at the same time.

This button is not available from an undocked message.

Note: You must save after clicking the Deploy All button to commit your changes to the database.



This button, selected by default, lets you edit the message.


Click this button to view the most recently deployed version of the message.

Note: Before you click the Deploy button, the Live button displays the active version that has been saved and is live on your site. After you have clicked the Deploy button, the version you are editing displays. However, it has yet to be committed to the database.



Click this button to deploy the working version of your message.

Note: You must click the Save button on the message templates ribbon to commit your deployed version to the database. After you save, your message will be active.


Click this button to revert to the default system message.


Click this button to remove the global template content from the message. By default, the global template is applied to all messages. Click it again to apply the global template to the message.


Click this button to send a proof email to your content reviewers.

Note: This button sends the most recently saved version of the message. Therefore, to send a proof of the version you are currently editing, you must click the OK button on the message ribbon and then Save on the message templates ribbon.



Click this button to spell check the message.


Audit Log

Click this button to view a history of changes made to the message.



Hover over this button to see the message name and ID and the document ID associated with the message.