Display Sibling Answer File Attachments on the Answer Print Message Template

You can specify file attachment properties on the Answer Print message template so that sibling answers display any attachments included in the sibling answer. When sibling attachments are set to display, the attachment file names are listed when you print a hard copy.

Before you start

Sibling answers must be enabled on the answer workspace for the list of sibling file attachments to display. See Sibling Answers and Options Properties. In addition, the Attached File List element is included by default on the Answer Print message template. If the Attached File List element has been removed, you must add it to the template before starting this procedure.

Here's what to do

  1. From the Answer Print message template, do one of the following:
    • Double-click the File Attachments List element.
    • Right-click the File Attachments List element and then select Attached File List Properties.
  2. Select Show Sibling Attachments.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Click Save.
    Note: You must deploy and commit your changes to the database before they will take effect. You must also log out and then log back in to see the changes on your site. See Deploy One Message.


Any sibling attachments associated to an answer display in the file attachments list on your Answer Print message template.