Sibling Answers

Sibling answers are a set of answers that share the same products, categories, or file attachments.

Sibling answers and attachments with access levels that are at or below the contact’s Service Level Agreement (SLA) are visible to the contact.

Note: To display file attachments for answer siblings on the Attachments tab, the Siblings Visible property for the File Attachments relationship item on the custom answer workspace must be set to True. See Options Properties.

The Sibling Answers section of the Relationships tab consists of a toolbar and a list of sibling answers. The toolbar is found above the sibling answer list.

Sibling Answers Toolbar

Button Description
Add Click this drop-down list to select an option to add a new or existing answer to the sibling set.
Add New Select this option to add an answer and establish a sibling relationship between the current answer and the new answer.
Add Existing Select this option to create a sibling relationship between the current answer and an existing answer. The Answer Search window displays so you can search for an existing answer.
Open Click this button to open the selected sibling answer.
Print Click this button to print the selected sibling answer.
Delete Click this button to permanently delete the sibling answer.
Preview Click this button to preview the selected sibling answer.
Draft Click this button to create a draft from the selected answer and open it for editing.
Remove Click this button to remove the selected sibling answer, which disables the answer relationship.
Options Click this button to display a drop-down list of report options.

The list in the Sibling Answers section contains answers that share the same product or category as the current answer.

Sibling Answer List

Column Description
Answer ID This column displays the unique ID assigned to the answer.
Summary This column displays a summary of the answer content. The summary is the answer subject.
Language This column displays the language of the answer.
Status This column displays the status of the answer.
Assigned This column displays the name of the staff member assigned to the answer.
Date Updated This column displays the date the answer was last updated.
Action This column displays a link for opening the sibling answer. Right-click the Open link to select Print, Remove, or Preview.