Options Properties

The properties you can edit for the Options group depend on the element you select.

Options Properties

Property Description
Accepts Return Select this check box if you want staff members to be able to press Enter in a multi-line field.
Accepts Tab Select this check box if you want staff members to be able to tab to the field.
Activity Position Click this button to set the position of the activity status indicator on the Chat Transcript Control relationship item.
Allow Delete Select this check box to allow agents to delete files that have been attached and saved to a record. If this check box is not selected, attached files can be deleted only if the Save button has not yet been clicked.
Allow Multiple Selections Select this check box to allow agents to select more than one item in a list box control.
Allow Tab Reordering Select this check box to allow staff members to drag and reorder the tabs of the selected tab set. If this check box is not selected, the tabs cannot be reordered by staff members.
Always Show Parent with Visible Child Select this check box for a hierarchal menu to display parent items in cases where the parent is hidden but one or more of its children are visible. A parent displayed in this manner cannot be selected.
Anonymous Select this check box to permit survey responses to be entered when a valid contact is not associated with the record being viewed. This option is available only if the survey allows anonymous responses.
Answer ID Click this button and enter an answer ID for an Answer Display control.
Auto Ellipsis Select this check box if you want an ellipsis (…) automatically added when the text of the title bar exceeds the space allocated to it.
Auto Scroll Control Position Click this button to set the position of the auto scroll control on the Chat Transcript Control relationship item.
Border Style Click this button to select a border style for the selected table control. The available options are None, Fixed Single, and Fixed 3D.
Background Image URL Click this button and enter a URL for an image you want to display in the table background on the Agent Browser UI.
Can Assign to Group Select this check box to permit staff members to assign the record to a group rather than a specific staff member. If this check box is not selected, staff members must assign the record to a staff member within a group.
Cell Border Style Click this button to select a border style for the cells in the selected table control. The available options are None, Single, Inset, Inset Double, Outset, Outset Double, and Outset Partial.
Control Context Click this drop-down list and select an option that controls how names in the Assigned field for tasks are grouped. The options are:
  • Default—Names display in a flat alphabetical list.
  • Sales—Names display by Manager hierarchy.
  • Incident—Names display by Group hierarchy.
  • Answer—Names display by Group hierarchy.
  • Organization—Names display by Manager hierarchy.
  • Campaign—Names display by Group hierarchy.
  • Document—Names display by Group hierarchy.
  • Mailing—Names display by Group hierarchy.
  • Survey—Names display by Group hierarchy.
Default Channel Click this button to define the default channels for customer entries and notes.
  • Default Channel for Customer Entry
Select the default channel to use for the customer’s entry on a record from this list. Options include No Default, Phone (the default value), Fax, Post, Web, and Email.
  • Default Channel for Note
Select the default channel to use for the note on an incident, contact, organization, or opportunity from this list. Options include No Default, Phone, Fax, Post, Web, and Email.
Default Font Click a drop-down list from this button group to select a default font and font size for the Rich Text Incident Thread control.
Default Notification Action Click this button to specify when to notify subscribers when an answer is updated. Options include No Change, Do Not Notify, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.
Default Phone Type Click this button to select the default phone type that should display on the workspace. For example, you can choose Office Phone or Mobile Phone.
Default Thread Click this button to define the default thread type for new incidents or incidents being edited.
  • Default Thread on Edit
Click this drop-down list and select an option to define the default thread for an incident being edited. Options include No Default, Private Note, Response (the default value), and Customer Entry.
  • Default Thread on New
Click this drop-down list and select an option to define the default thread for a new incident. Options include No Default, Private Note, Response, and Customer Entry (the default value).
Default Value Click this button and select From Workspace or From Script if you want to specify a default value for a field. When this option is enabled, you can edit the field on the design space to specify the default value that will be used when the workspace or script is used to create a record. The value can be changed by staff members who have permission to edit the field. See Considerations for Using the Default Value Property.

The default value is applied only to new records created in the workspace or script. Records that were created from other channels, such as the Ask a Question page, are not impacted.

Delay Page Load Select this check box to prevent the web page specified in the browser control from loading until the tab the control is on is selected. When this option is disabled, the web page loads as soon as the workspace or script opens, even if the browser control is hidden.

If the browser is visible when the workspace or script page is opened (for example, it appears on the top tab), it will always open immediately even if this property is enabled.

Disable Email Icon Select this check box to disable the Send Email envelope button that appears next to the Email Addresses field. When this check box is cleared, clicking the Send Email button opens the contact email address in a new message in the workstation default mail client, outside of B2C Service.
Display Options Click this button to select toolbar options for the Chat Control relationship item.
  • Show Toolbar
Select this option to display the Chat Control toolbar.
  • SmartAssistant
Select this option to display the SmartAssistant button on the Chat Control toolbar.
  • Search Knowledgebase
Select this option to display the Search Knowledgebase button on the Chat Control toolbar.
  • Standard Text
Select this option to display the Standard Text button on the Chat Control toolbar.
Display Style Click this drop-down list to select the display style for a Yes/No field on the Agent Browser UI. Options include drop-down list, Checkbox, Radio Buttons, and Switch.
Display Value Without Border Select this check box to display the field value without a border in the selected workspace on the Agent Browser UI.
Enable Collapse/Expand Select this check box to let users expand and collapse the table display in the selected workspace on the Agent Browser UI.
Filter Type Click this button to select filter options for custom object or system attribute menus that are populated by the Accounts by Group or Accounts by Manager menu. The option you select will be used to filter the accounts listed in the menu based on account status. Available options include All Accounts, Enabled Accounts, or Accounts Enabled for Assignment.
Hide Options Button Select this check box to prevent the Options button from displaying on a report control or relationship item that contains the Options button (such as Contacts, Time Billed, and Audit Log) in a workspace or script. The Options button displays by default.

If this check box is selected when there are no commands on the toolbar or the Hide Report Command option is also selected, the entire toolbar will be hidden.

  • Hide Report Commands
Select this check box to hide and disable the report commands (New, Open, Copy, Delete, Print, Forward, Assign, and Propose) on the workspace.
Image Click this button to select the image you want to place on button or image controls. See Workspace and Script Button and Image Controls.
  • URL
Click this drop-down to enter an image URL to display an image.
Note: The image URL will display only on workspaces on the Agent Browser UI.
Image Align Click this button to position an image added to a button in relation to the button text. See Workspace and Script Button and Image Controls.
Image Layout Click this button to select how you want the button or image control sized. See Workspace and Script Button and Image Controls.
Increment Enter a number that defines the value an integer field is increased or decreased when the up or down arrow is clicked. The default value is 1.
Layout Click this button to select whether the items in an option control display vertically or horizontally.
Legacy Status Mode Click this button to enable the legacy status indicator on the Chat Transcript Control relationship item.
Limit By Profile Interface(s) Click this button to limit products and categories that display on the Products and Categories relationship item to those that have administration visibility on the interfaces to which the staff member’s profile has access.
Locale Click this button to select a locale for the Intelligent Advisor control. For information about Intelligent Advisor, see Oracle Applications Integrations with B2C Service.

To enable Intelligent Advisor with B2C Service, contact your Oracle account manager.

Max Length Click this button and enter the maximum number of characters the field can contain. You can enter values from 1 to 4,000.
Minimum Level Click this button and enter the minimum number of levels of products, categories, or dispositions that staff members must enter when working on incidents. The acceptable range is between 0 and 6.
Multiline Select this check box to allow multiple lines in the field. If this option is not enabled, the field will be restricted to a single line.
No Time Portion Select this check box to hide the time portion of date/time fields, such as the Date Created field.

If this option is selected for fields that can be edited, staff members will not be able to enter exact times. You may want exact times for reporting purposes.

Open Pop-ups in New Browser Control Select this check box to open windows from the browser content in child browser controls. When this option is not selected, the control will fill the maximum allowed space.

If this check box is not selected, pop-ups will open in a full Internet Explorer browser, which can cause session variables to be lost. To ensure session variables are maintained, select the check box.

Password Cover Enter the character you want to use to hide the password when it is entered on the workspace. The default is an asterisk (*).

This option is available for use with the organization password field. You cannot add the contact password field to workspaces.

Permissions Click this button to manage individual options available on the Rich Text Incident Thread control.

All permissions—except Always Default to Plain Text and Always Use Plain Text—are selected by default. Also, these permissions are enforced only for staff members using the workspace, and do not affect actions performed by workflow or script rules.

  • Follow Links
Select this option to allow agents to go to a linked URL in a web browser when they click the link in a committed thread. When this option is not selected, the function is not available and an error message displays when the agent clicks a link in a committed thread.
  • Follow Incident Reference # Links
Select this option to allow agents to open an incident when they click the incident reference number in a committed thread. When this option is not selected, the function is not available.
  • Allow Using Send On Save
Select this option to display the Send On Save check box on the Messages tab toolbar on an incident thread. When this option is not selected, the check box is hidden.
  • Allow Using SmartAssistant
Select this option to display the SmartAssistant button on the Messages tab toolbar on an incident thread. When this option is not selected, the button is hidden.
  • Allow Using Search Knowledgebase
Select this option to display the Search Knowledgebase button on the Messages tab toolbar on an incident thread. When this option is not selected, the button is hidden.
  • Allow Adding Standard Text
Select this option to display the Standard Text button on the Messages tab toolbar on an incident thread. When this option is not selected, the button is hidden.
  • Allow Toggling Thread Content to Plain Text
Select this option to allow an agent to switch between using Plain Text and Rich Text format modes in incident thread entries.

When this option is selected, the Always Use Plain Text option is cleared.

  • Always Default to Plain Text
Select this option to use Plain Text format mode for a new incident thread entry.

When this option is selected, agents will be able to switch to Rich Text format mode if the Allow Toggling Thread Context to Plain Text option is also selected.

  • Always Use Plain Text
Select this option to allow only Plain Text format mode in incident thread entries. The Rich Text format mode will not be available to agents.

When this option is selected, the Allow Toggling Thread Content to Plain Text option is cleared and the Always Default to Plain Text option is selected.

  • Allow Adding Responses
Select this option to enable the Response item in the Add button drop-down list on the Messages tab toolbar. When this option is not selected, the Response item is hidden.

At least one of Allow Adding Responses, Allow Adding Customer Entries, or Allow Adding Notes options must be selected for the Add button to display on the Messages tab toolbar.

  • Allow Adding Customer Entries
Select this option to enable the Customer Entry item in the Add button drop-down list on the Messages tab toolbar. When this option is not selected, the Customer Entry item is hidden.

At least one of Allow Adding Responses, Allow Adding Customer Entries, or Allow Adding Notes options must be selected for the Add button to display on the Messages tab toolbar.

  • Allow Adding Notes
Select this option to enable the Private Note item in the Add button drop-down list on the Messages tab toolbar. When this option is not selected, the Private Note item is hidden.

At least one of Allow Adding Responses, Allow Adding Customer Entries, or Allow Adding Notes options must be selected for the Add button to display on the Messages tab toolbar.

  • Allow Adding CC Recipients
Select this option to allow display of the CC field in the Response title bar when the Send on Save check box is selected by an agent. The agent can show or hide the CC field by clicking the Options button on the Messages tab toolbar and selecting or clearing the Show CC check box.
  • Allow Adding BCC Recipients
Select this option to allow display of the BCC field in the Response title bar when the Send on Save check box is selected by an agent. The agent can show or hide the BCC field by clicking the Options button on the Messages tab toolbar and selecting or clearing the Show BCC check box.
Policy Model Click this button to select a policy model to display on the Intelligent Advisor control. For information about Intelligent Advisor, see Oracle Applications Integrations with B2C Service.

To enable Intelligent Advisor with B2C Service, contact your Oracle account manager.

Refresh When New Record is Saved Select this check box to refresh the Intelligent Advisor control when a new record is saved. For information about Intelligent Advisor, see Oracle Intelligent Advisor.
Report Click this button to open the Select Report window to select a report for the control. See How You Add Reports and Relationship Items to Custom Workspaces and Scripts.
Caution: The Select Report window displays all reports, not just those that apply to the selected workspace. Be sure to select a report that applies to the workspace. For example, do not select an opportunity search report to appear in the Organization field of a contact record.
Report Behavior Click this button to configure report behavior properties. See Report Properties.
Required for Solved/Waiting Select this check box if staff members must select a value for the item before they can set a record status to Solved or Waiting.
Response Options Click this button to select options for the Rich Text Incident Thread control on incident workspaces or the Chat Control control on chat workspaces.
  • Allow Encoding Choice
Select this option to allow agents to choose between rendering chat comments as HTML or plain text.
  • Always Leave as Plain Text
Select this option to always render chat comments as plain text.
  • Always Send as HTML
Select this option to always render chat comments as HTML.
  • Confirm Response When Saving and Send On Save is Selected
Select this option if you want the staff member to confirm that the incident response should be sent.
  • Commit Response When Incident is Saved
Select this option if you want the staff response to be committed to the incident thread when the response is saved.
  • Add a Response When Selecting Send On Save if No Response Already Exists
Select this option to automatically display the response options panel when you select the Send on Save check box on the Rich Text Incident Thread control. Clearing the check box closes the response options. Additionally, when this property is enabled, clicking the slider on the Messages tab to open the response options panel automatically selects the check box, and closing the response options clears the check box.

If this option is disabled, then expanding the response options panel enables the Send on Save check box, but clicking the check box does not automatically expand the panel. Clearing the check box automatically collapses the panel, but collapsing the panel does not automatically clear the check box.

  • Always show email message header for responses
Select this option if you want the email message header to always display when the response is sent.
  • Reassign the Incident When Send On Save is Selected
Click this drop-down list and select one of the following options for reassigning an incident when a response is sent.
  • No Change—The incident Assigned field does not change.
  • To Current Agent—The Assigned field changes to the staff member working the incident.
  • To Unassigned—The Assigned field is set to No Value.
  • Automatically Select Send On Save When Opening an Incident
Click this drop-down list and select an option that indicates when an incident response should be sent automatically. The options are:
  • Never—A response is never sent automatically.
  • On New—A response is sent for a new incident.
  • On Edit—A response is sent when an incident is edited.
  • On New and Edit—A response is sent whenever an incident is added or edited.

To automatically select the Send on Save check box only when sending a response, an agent can click the slider bar at the left of the incident thread and enter the response using the response options section.

This option is not supported on the Agent Browser UI.

  • Change the Incident’s Status when Send On Save is Selected
Click this drop-down list and select an option for changing the incident status when a response is sent. The options are:
  • No Change—The incident status does not change when a response is sent.
  • To Waiting—The incident status changes to Waiting when a response is sent.
  • To Solved—The incident status changes to Solved when a response is sent.
RNT Mask Click this button to view the mask for the selected custom field. Standard fields do not have mask properties.

See Input Masks for information about specifying masks for custom fields.

Script Click this button to open the Select a Script window to change the script used in a script control. See Add a Script Control to the Design Space.
Search Report Click this button to open the Select Report window to select a search report. See How You Add Reports and Relationship Items to Custom Workspaces and Scripts.

This property is used for items that include a search report, such as the Contacts, Tasks, Guided Assistance, and Custom Object View relationship items.

Secondary Search Report Click this button to open the Select Report window to select a secondary search report. See How You Add Reports and Relationship Items to Custom Workspaces and Scripts.

This property is used for relationship items that can include a secondary search report, such as the Contacts and Tasks relationship items.

Set Fixed Height Select this check box to enable the Height layout property. When this option is not selected, the control will fill the maximum allowed space.
Show Categories Click this button to show or hide the categories tree on the Products and Categories relationship item. The categories tree is visible by default.
Show Image Select this check box to display the paper clip icon for file attachment and quote controls when files are attached to the record.
Show Navigation Select this check box if you want the workspace to display the navigation controls for the selected guide.
Show Parent Select this check box if you want the workspace to display the parent of the selected item (for example, a staff account’s group in the Assigned field or the main product for a subproduct).
Show Products Click this button to show or hide the products tree on the Products and Categories relationship item. The products tree is visible by default.
Show Row Count Select this check box to display the number of records in a report. The number displays in parentheses next to the tab title.
Show Search Button Select this check box to add the Search for a Guide button on the Guided Assistance relationship item. Clicking this button on a workspace opens a window where you can enter search criteria to find the guide you want. See Guided Assistance Relationship Item.

If this check box is not selected on the workspace designer, the Search window can still be opened from a ribbon button on the workspace.

Show Search Inline Select this check box to display search fields on the workspace to search for a guided assistance guide. See Guided Assistance Relationship Item.

Selecting this check box prevents the Search for a Guide and Select a Guide buttons from displaying on the workspace, though these can still be accessed from a ribbon button.

Show Select Button Select this check box to add the Select a Guide button on the Guided Assistance relationship item. Clicking this button on a workspace opens a window where you can select the guide you want from a list of available guides. See Guided Assistance Relationship Item.

If this check box is not selected on the workspace designer, the Search window can still be opened from a ribbon button.

Siblings Visible Click this drop-down list and select True if you want the File Attachments controls to display information for the answer and all the answer siblings. Select False if you want to display only the information for the answer.
Sort Provinces Alphabetically Select this check box if you want the State/Province field to display in alphabetical order on the Address control. Clear this check box to display states and provinces in the sequence specified on the Countries editor. See Add or Edit a Country or Province.
Spell Check Select this check box to enable spell checking for the field or object when the workspace is spell checked.
Spell Check (for the Rich Text Incident Thread control) Click this drop-down list and select a spell check option from the following list.
  • True—The field spelling is checked when a staff member clicks the Spell Check button.
  • False—The field spelling is never checked.
  • As You Type—The field spelling is checked automatically as the staff member enters information.
Splitter Anchor Click this drop-down list to select the splitter anchor. Options are Left, Right, Top, and Bottom. The options available in the menu depend on the splitter orientation. If the splitter orientation is set to Vertical, you can anchor the splitter to the Left or Right. If the splitter orientation is set to Horizontal, you can anchor the splitter to the Top or Bottom.
Splitter Orientation Click this drop-down list to select the splitter orientation.
  • Vertical—The splitter is divided into two vertical sections, one on the left and one on the right.
  • Horizontal—The splitter is divided into two horizontal sections, one on the top and one on the bottom.
Splitter Position Click this button to enter the number of pixels the splitter is offset from the anchor side. If the Splitter Orientation property is set to Horizontal, the default splitter position is 300. If the Splitter Orientation property is set to Vertical, the default splitter position is 100.
Summary Panel Alignment Click this button to select if the Summary Panel will appear as the first tab in the tab set or as a persistent panel above the tab set. Options are First Tab or Top. The default value for a new workspace is Top.

This button is only available when the workspace primary tab set is selected. This property is applicable only when a workspace is used on the Agent Browser User Interface.

Note: When enabled on an incident workspace on the Agent Browser UI, the summary panel displays above the tab set containing summary information about the incident.
Summary Panel Height Click this button to enter the height of the summary panel in pixels.

This button is available only when the workspace primary tab set is selected.

Suppress Errors and Authentication Dialogs Select this check box to suppress any warning prompts (such as script errors and authentication requests) that may occur in the browser control when a URL is loaded.
Survey Click this button to select a survey for the Survey by Proxy control.
Tab Alignment Click this button to select where you want tab sets placed on the dashboard. The available options are Left, Right, Top, and Bottom.
Tab Display Style Click this drop-down list and select a tab display style option from the following list.
  • Regular—Displays the selected tab set as the default, horizontal style.
  • Accordion Single Open—Displays the selected tab set as an accordion with only the selected tab open. When a different tab in the tab set is open, the previous open tab will close.
  • Accordion Multiple Open—Displays the selected tab set as an accordion, allowing for multiple tabs to remain open.
    Note: The accordion tab set display applies only to workspaces on the Agent Browser UI.
Thousands Separator Select this check box to add a thousands separator to an integer when the value is entered on a workspace (for example, “10000” becomes “10,000”).
Thread Display Click this drop-down list and select Show Thumbnails and then specify the number of threads that will display on the incident workspace. The incident threads will display as thumbnails once the specified threshold is met.

The maximum incident threshold value is 99.

Thread Orientation Click this drop-down list to select a thread orientation for the Rich Text Incident Thread control. The available options are Vertical, Horizontal, or Horizontal with Splitter. By default, a vertical thread orientation is used. Agent Browser users can override this setting for their workspace using the Draft Thread setting.
Threshold Height Click this button to enter the threshold height for the summary panel in pixels. If the space available for the summary panel is less than this value, the summary panel becomes the first tab on the tab set.

The minimum value of the threshold height is 100 pixels greater than the value specified in the Summary Panel Height control.

Time Limit Click this button to select the maximum amount of time that the report specified in the report control should take to generate. You can select a value up to 240 seconds. Specifying a time limit can improve performance since workspaces are unavailable until reports on the workspace generate. Reports that take longer than the specified time limit to generate won't display on the workspace. See Set a Time Limit for a Report Control.
Time Required Click this button to select time requirements. This property is used with the Time Billed control.
  • Time Required for Edit
Select Time Required for Edit if you want staff members to be required to add a time billed entry each time they edit an incident.

An entry will not be required if the Time Billed relationship item is hidden on the workspace.

  • Time Required for Solved
Select Time Required for Solved if you want staff members to be required to add a time billed entry each time they solve an incident.

An entry will not be required if the Time Billed relationship item is hidden on the workspace.

Timer Position Click this button to set the position of the timer status indicator on the Chat Transcript Control relationship item.
Trim Whitespace Select this check box to trim leading and trailing white space on text fields.
Up Down Align Click this drop-down list and select Left to position the up/down arrows (for incrementing an integer field) on the left side of the field. Select Right to place the arrows on the right.
URL Enter the URL that should be accessed when the browser control is used on the workspace. You can also open files on your workstation or network by specifying a format of file://<file path>.

For information about passing variables through this URL, see Workspace and Script Browser Controls.

Visible Select this check box if you do not want the flag control on the workspace to be visible.
Wrap Tabs Select this check box if you want tabs in a tab group to wrap across multiple lines when there is insufficient space to display them all on a single line. Clear this check box if you want the tabs to be on a single line, requiring tab scrolling.
Wrap Text Select this check box to wrap the label text if needed to fit the label in the space provided.