Add or Edit a Country or Province

Adding countries and provinces to the knowledge base helps maintain accurate address information.

Because the countries and provinces appear in drop-down menus when staff members enter contact and organization information, consistent names and abbreviations for unfamiliar countries are guaranteed. You can also define format masks to require that staff members use the same format when entering phone numbers and postal codes.

The United States is automatically included, and you can add any other country where you have contacts and organizations. Provinces cannot be added independently, but must be associated with the appropriate country. You can add them when you add the country or at a later time when you edit the country. When staff members enter an address and select a country, the State/Prov field contains a drop-down list of the states or provinces associated with that country.

You can also delete countries and provinces on the Countries editor by clicking Delete. When you delete a country or province, any contacts and organizations that were associated with that country or province no longer have a country or province association.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Internationalization, and then double-click Countries.
    The Countries tree displays on the content pane.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • To add a country, click New to display the editor.
    • To edit a country, click it in the tree.
  4. Enter field information.

    Countries Editor

    Field Description
    Name Select a country from the Country/ISO Code list at the top of the editor or enter the name of the country in the field.
    Abbreviation When you select a country from the list on the editor, the Abbreviation field is populated with the 2- or 3-digit abbreviation the country uses. This may or may not be the same as the ISO code for the country, which appears in parentheses after the name in the list of countries.

    If you entered a country name instead of selecting one from the list, the country does not have an ISO code. As a result, the Locate Address button next to the Address field on a contact, organization, or incident is disabled.

    Phone Mask Enter a mask that restricts what staff members can enter when they specify phone numbers for contacts in this country. Any special characters for formatting will automatically populate in the field. If the staff member enters a character that doesn't match the mask, the staff member must correct it before entry can continue. For example, if the mask defines the phone number as numbers only, the staff member won't be able to enter letters.
    Phone Code Enter the international phone code for the country.
    Postal Mask Enter a mask that restricts what staff members can enter when they specify postal codes for contacts in this country. Any special characters for formatting, such as such as hyphens and parentheses, will automatically populate in the field. If the staff member enters a character that doesn't match the mask, the staff member must correct it before entry can continue. For example, if the mask defines the postal code as numbers only, the staff member won't be able to enter letters.
  5. To add a province, click Add (in the Provinces section on the right side of the editor), and then enter the province name in the Name field.
  6. To edit the name of a province associated with the country you are editing, select the province name and enter the new name.
    You can move provinces within the list using the up and down arrows next to the Provinces list.
  7. Click Save.