Overview of Customizable Menus

Customizable menus help you develop logical, consistent ways to organize objects such as contacts, incidents, tracked links, and sales products in ways that are most useful to your organization.

When you customize drop-down lists, you increase the likelihood of an organized, accurate, and up-to-date knowledge base, which is essential for providing an exceptional customer experience. The available customizable menu items on your navigation pane depend on the B2C Service products that are enabled on your site, your navigation set, and your profile permissions.

Keeping your knowledge base organized and up-to-date is an important way to provide superior customer service. When you create custom drop-down menus with the exact options you need, staff members can classify incidents and answer using those options, and customers can select specific product and category for community posts and to refine their searches for answers. Both customers and staff members benefit from the flexibility that results when you classify incidents and answers in ways that make the most sense for your organization.

Note: The Customizable Menus tree contains a System Menus folder, containing default menu items, and a Custom Menus folder, which you can use to create menu items for menu-only custom objects. If custom objects is not enabled on your site, the tree will not contain any folders and only the default menu items will be listed in the tree. Contact your Oracle account manager to enable custom objects. See Add a Custom Object Menu Item.

Select a customizable menu item to learn how to add and edit it.

Customizable Menu Items

Menu Item(s) Action

Answer access levels

Add custom answer access levels for increased control over the information that is visible to staff members and customers.

Answer statuses

Add custom answer statuses for increased classification of answers in the knowledge base.

Asset statuses

Add custom asset statuses for tracking which assets are in use, which are no longer used or supported, and which assets have not been associated with customers.

Billable tasks

Define billable tasks for classifying and recording how agents spend their time working on incidents.

Channel types

Add channel types for contacts so they can associate their Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook user names through the customer portal.

Chat agent statuses

Add custom statuses to describe an agent’s availability to chat with customers and assist other agents with their chat sessions.

Chat session queues

Identify queues that can be used for routing chat session requests.


Add competitors to your knowledge base to help your organization track won and lost opportunities by competitor.

Contact roles

Add contact roles to classify the role of contacts in opportunities. Contact roles allow staff members to identify the same contact by different roles in different opportunities.

Contact types

Add contact types to help you organize contacts in ways that are most useful to your organization.


Maintain accurate, consistent address data for contacts and organizations by adding the countries and provinces your organization does business in.

Custom object menus and Edit a Custom Object Menu Item

Use custom object menus to add, copy, and delete custom object menu items.

Incident queues

Identify queues that can be used for routing incidents automatically or manually based on the criteria you establish.

Incident severities

Define incident severity levels for classifying incidents.

Incident statuses

Add custom incident statuses to track the state of an incident.

Industry types

Use industry types to identify those your customers are associated with.

Lead rejection types

Use lead rejection types to identify reasons for rejecting prequalified opportunities.

Opportunity statuses

Use opportunity statuses to identify the current state of opportunities in the knowledge base.

Organization address types

Add organization address types when you need more flexibility than that offered by the standard billing and shipping addresses.

Price schedules

Establish various pricing schedules that can be applied to sales products.

Product catalog and Add a Price Schedule to a Sales Product

Use the product catalog to add, edit, and categorize sales products and assign price schedules to them.


Add products and categories for grouping incidents and answers, resulting in more accurate search results for staff members and customers. Use dispositions as a way to record the final resolution of a solved incident.

Product linking

Link products to categories and dispositions so menus display only the links that are relevant to the selected product. This feature ensures more accurate data recording and simplified searching for incidents and answers.

Tracked link categories

Assign tracked links to categories, and enhance reporting on customer clicks of links in your mailings and surveys.

Win/loss reasons

Identify win/loss reasons to determine what contributes to the outcome of opportunities.