Add or Edit an Opportunity Status

Opportunity statuses represent the current state of opportunities in your knowledge base.

When staff members assign a status to an opportunity, one of the seven default opportunity status types is also assigned. The seven default opportunity statuses include Lead, Reject, Active, Closed, Lost, Inactive, and Dead. You can define additional statuses if you need them. For example, if your organization uses a Pending custom opportunity status that is assigned the Active status type, any opportunities set to the Pending status will be considered active. The default status types are displayed in the drop-down list in the Status column on the editor.

Note: If you delete a custom opportunity status, all opportunities set to that status are changed to the default status with the same status type. For example, if you delete a custom opportunity status with the status type Active, all opportunities that were associated with that status are changed to the Active opportunity status with the Active status type.
  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Application Appearance, and then double-click Customizable Menus.
    The Customizable Menus tree opens on the content pane.
  3. Expand the System Menus folder.
  4. Click Opportunity Statuses to display the editor.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • To add an opportunity status, click New.
    • To add a new opportunity status directly below an existing opportunity status in the tree, select the existing opportunity status and click New.
    • To edit an opportunity status, click it in the tree.
    Note: You can change the names of the default opportunity statuses, but the functionality of each remains the same. Opportunities with the same status type behave the same way, regardless of their name.
  6. Enter a name for a new opportunity status or edit an existing one in the Label column.
    The corresponding field in the Label column in the Interface Visibility section is populated or revised as you type.
  7. Click the Status drop-down list and select a status type.
    Note: After you save an opportunity status, you cannot change its status type.
  8. Click Save.