How Channel Types Work

Channel types are used by contacts to provide their user names for Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook through the customer portal.

By providing user name information, the contact’s incidents are automatically associated with the contact. This assists agents in identifying and responding to contacts who are using Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook.

If given the proper visibility through the Channel Types editor, contacts and staff members can add and edit channel type user names.

  • Contacts can add and edit their Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook user names through widgets on the customer portal.
  • Staff members can add and edit Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook user names for contacts from a custom contact workspace.

The standard contact workspace does not contain a field for channel usernames. If you want your agents to add information about channel user names, you must add the Channel Usernames field to a custom contact workspace and assign that workspace to the profile used by agents.

See Edit a Channel Type to rename or remove channel types.