Import a Report from an XML File

Using existing report definitions allows you to create duplicates of complex custom reports from other interfaces without manually re-creating the reports.

If you have multiple interfaces, you can use report definitions saved in XML files to create reports on other interfaces. If you have previously exported segments, you can also import these to create custom reports. Since reports aren't shared between interfaces, you must export a report from one interface and import it into another to have the same report available in multiple interfaces.

Note: When you import a report definition to create a report on a different B2C Service site, items in the report definition that do not exist in the database where you import the report, such as custom fields, will display in the new report but will not display data. You must edit the new report to modify or delete items that do not correspond to existing fields in the database.

When you import a report, the permissions from the imported report aren't changed. However, the owner of the report is changed to the staff member who imports the report.

  1. Click New Report on the Report explorer’s ribbon to select the report layout.
  2. Click Import Existing Report Definition.
  3. Select the XML file containing the report definition.
  4. Click Open.

    The imported report opens on the report designer where you can modify it.

    If you import a report that includes custom object record commands into a site that has custom objects with different names or ID numbers, a window opens where you can match the custom objects referred to in the imported report to the custom objects on the site.

    If the XML file you import contains a custom script, a dialog displays where you can choose to import the script or not. See Create a Custom Script in a Report.

  5. Save the new report.