Open the Report Designer

Use the report designer to create and edit custom reports.

In most cases, you will open the report designer from the Reports explorer. If your navigation set is configured to add reports from the file menu, you can click File and select Report.

Note: If your site has an Agent Browser UI associated with it, a message displays stating that not all Analytics features are supported by the interface. Click OK to continue.

After you open the report designer, you can increase the amount of space on the design surface by hiding the data dictionary or elements on the design surface. When you need an item that's hidden, you can display it again.

  1. Click Analytics on the navigation pane.
  2. Double-click Reports Explorer.
  3. To edit an existing custom report, right-click the report and select Edit.
    The report designer opens.
  4. To create a report, click the New Report button.
    A window opens where you select the report’s initial layout.
  5. Click the name of the layout you want to use for the report.
    Options include Grid Report, Standard Report, and Standard Report with Chart.
    When you select a layout, the report designer opens with the selected layout.
  6. To create a copy of a report from another interface by importing a report definition, click Import Existing Report Definition. See Import a Report from an XML File.