Insert a Cloud Link

Use cloud links to let your contacts track or post communications on social media. You can include cloud links in documents, templates, snippets, mailings, campaigns, surveys, and survey invitation messages.

  1. From the HTML or Text tab on the HTML editor, click Cloud Link in the Links section of the Toolbox.
    The Cloud Link window opens.
  2. Enter field information.

    Cloud Link Window

    Field Description

    Link Type

    Click this drop-down list to select the type of cloud link you want to insert. You can select from the following options.

    Facebook (Share on Profile)

    Facebook (Find Us)


    Twitter (Tweet)

    Twitter (Follow)



    MySpace (Share on Profile)



    Enter the unique key value associated with the selected link type.

    This field is inactive when the link type is Facebook (Share on Profile), Twitter (Tweet), or Community.

    Information (i)

    Hover over this icon for information about the key required for the selected link type.


    Click this drop-down list and select the target for the link: New Window, Same Window, Parent Window, or Browser Window.

    This field displays only when inserting cloud links in the HTML editor.

    *Link Text

    Enter the text you want to appear as the link in this field.

    This field displays only when inserting cloud links in the Text editor.

  3. Click OK.
    Note: The social media services described in this procedure, with the exception of Community Self Service, are not provided by or affiliated with Oracle. To obtain support or information about terms and conditions for the services mentioned, contact the service provider.