Queue a Report or Dashboard Manually

You can queue reports or dashboards that you think may query or return large amounts of data. This is also helpful if you want to view a number of reports but do not want to wait for each to generate.

For information about viewing reports in the queue and opening queued reports that have processed, see How You View Reports in the Queue.

You can also require dashboards and reports to be queued when they are run by enabling the Set Report to Deferred Execution option. See Change Report Properties.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Select the report or dashboard on the Reports explorer and click the ribbon’s Queue button.
    • Right-click the report or dashboard, either on the Reports explorer or the navigation list, and select Queue.
    The Queue Search Filters window opens where you specify the search parameters you want to use for the queued report.

    The window contains three sections: Filters, which includes Products, Interface, and Date Range selection options; Delivery Options, which includes options to view or download queued-report results; and Limit and Order, which includes queued-report display options.

  2. Enter the search parameters you want to use.
    For information about specifying search parameters, see How You Search in Reports.
  3. To send the report output to a CSV file instead of to the console, select the Download Queued Report Results as a CSV File option.

    This lets you send up to 100MB of data to a CSV file. Without this option, reports can return up to 10,000 rows of data. After the queued report is generated, you can select a location to save the file to and then open it using an external application. This option isn't available when queueing dashboards.

    In addition, this option isn't available for all reports since not all reports are appropriate for CSV output. The following restrictions apply.

    • The report cannot contain custom scripts.
    • The report cannot contain comparison columns.
    • The report cannot contain date grouping columns.
    • Rows in the report must return unique records, such as information about specific incidents, answers, or contacts.
    • The first column in the report must be sorted in ascending order and must output data stored in a primary key database column. For instance, the first column could output incident ID numbers or contact ID numbers, and be sorted in ascending order. This restriction helps the data queries more quickly process reports since they use primary keys.
  4. Click Queue.
    A message displays an approximation of when the report or dashboard will be generated.

    The time displayed is an approximation of how long it will take to process the queued report or dashboard. However, if there are other reports or dashboards in the queue, it can take longer than the displayed time to process your queued report or dashboard.

  5. Click OK.