Modify Branches

This section describes how to edit, delete, and reorder script rules using the tools available on the Page tab.

After you add branches, you can easily edit, reorder, and delete them from the Page tab. It is important to update existing branches when you make changes to your script to ensure the branches work as you expect. For example, when you add a new branch to a page, you need to make sure that other branches on the page do not have similar conditions. If they do, you can edit or delete the other branches, or reorder the branches so the branch you want to trigger will be checked first.
  1. From your open script, select the page the branch is on from the page selector and click the Page tab.
    The branches list, located on the Branching group, displays all the branches created on the page.
  2. In the branches list, select the branch you want to modify.
  3. To edit the branch, click Edit Branch.
    The Edit Branch window opens. See How Branches Work in Scripts.
  4. To change the order of the branch, click the up or down arrow to move the branch where you want it.
    Note: Just like script and workspace rules, branches are fired in the sequence in which they are listed. This can impact how the branches on a page affect the script.
  5. To delete the branch, click Delete Branch.