Script Rules

You can create script rules to trigger actions on script pages when the conditions you specify are met. For example, you can create a rule that automatically sets the value of a field on a script page when a button on the page is clicked or the page is opened.

Note: Whereas workspace rules apply to the entire workspace, script rules impact only the script pages the rules are created on.

After you create script rules, they can be modified if you need to change their triggers, conditions, or actions. You can also reorder the rules on your page to ensure they fire in the order you want. If you no longer need a rule, you can also quickly delete it. See Modify Script Rules.

Generally, script rules impact only the items on the script page you add the rules to. However, using named events, you can use script rules in conjunction with workspace rules to trigger an action on a workspace when conditions on the script are met. For example, a workspace rule that sets the incident workspace Status field to Solved can be triggered when a staff member clicks a button on a script page. See How Events are Used in Workspace and Script Rules.