Modify Script Rules

After you add script rules, you can easily edit them, reorder them, or delete them when they are no longer needed. This section describes how to edit, delete, and reorder script rules using the tools available on the Rules tab.

Rules are fired in the sequence in which they are listed. Adjusting them can impact how other rules affect the script. For example, if multiple rules set different values for the same field, the field will be set to the value assigned by the last rule in the sequence.
  1. From your open script, select the page the rule is on from the page selector and click the Rules tab. The rule list displays all rules created on the page.
    1. To view only rules that are triggered by or that impact a specific item on the page, such as a field or control, select the item, click Filter List on the Rules tab, and select Rules Triggered by Selected Object or Rules that Reference Selected Object.
      The rule list updates to display only rules that are related to the selected item.
  2. In the rule list, select the rule you want to modify.
  3. To edit the rule, click Edit Rule.
    The Edit Rule window opens. See Script Rules.
  4. To change the order of the rule, click the up or down arrow to move the rule where you want it.
    Note: Deleting a rule is permanent and cannot be undone. To ensure that a rule is not needed before deleting it, you can disable it instead. To disable a rule, edit the rule, click Properties on the Edit Rule window, clear the Active check box, and click Finish to save the change.
  5. To delete the rule, click Delete Rule.