Preview a Segment

After defining your filters, you may want to see which contacts meet the segment criteria. You can preview the segment to see a list of up to 1,000 contacts.

  1. Click the Preview tab.
    The contacts’ first name, last name, and email address display. If any contact fields are used to filter the segment, they are also included as output columns in the list.
  2. To change the number of contacts that display per page, click Options > Paging.
    The Report Paging Options window opens.
  3. Enter the number of rows you want to display per page and click OK.
  4. To edit a contact record, select the contact and click Open. See Edit a Contact.
  5. To print a contact record, select the contact and click Print.
  6. To access report options, such as sorting and exporting, click Options. See How You Distribute Reports and Dashboards.