Remove a Report Link

After you create conditional or unconditional report links, you can remove them.

Before you start

You must create a conditional report link or an unconditional report link to edit a report link. See Create a Conditional Report Link and Create an Unconditional Report Link.
You can use the standard Linked Reports and Reports with Disabled Links reports to list reports that contain links to reports and dashboards.

Here's what to do

  1. Open the report that includes the link on the report design center.
  2. Select the report column that's associated with the link and click Report Linking on the Design tab.
  3. To remove an unconditional link from the column, select Remove Report Link.
    The unconditional link is deleted.
  4. To remove all conditional links from the column, select Clear All Conditional Report Links.
    All conditional links are deleted.
  5. To remove only some of the conditional links on the column, select Manage Conditional Report Links.
    1. Click Delete next to the link you want to remove, and click Yes to confirm the deletion.
    2. Click OK.
  6. Click Save.