Review and Accept Autotuner Recommendations

Review and accept SmartAssistant Auto Tuner settings.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Double-click SA Auto Tuner component in your configuration list.
    The SA Auto Tuner dashboard displays information regarding the current SmartAssistant configuration settings, relevance history, and recommendations.

    This figure shows the SA Auto Tuner dashboard, and is described in the surrounding text.

    The dashboard contains the following reports.

    • SA Configuration—This report contains information about your current SmartAssistant configuration values (in the Current column) and the suggested values for optimizing them (in the Tuned column). The Relevancy row displays the current aggregated relevancy value of SmartAssistant results.

    • SA Relevance History—This report displays the percentage of answers suggested by SmartAssistant that have been relevant over recent weekly intervals, also indicating when changes were made to SmartAssistant settings. This demonstrates how changes you have applied impact the SmartAssistant effectiveness of your site.

    • Recommendations—This panel displays the current recommendation of the auto tuner (whether to accept the suggested configuration changes) based on whether sufficient SmartAssistant coverage was available to evaluate and whether the recommendation is made with high, medium, or low confidence.

  3. To accept the suggested configuration and update your settings with the recommended values, click Accept New Configuration.