Search a Rule Base

You can search for names of states, functions, rules, and variables in rule bases, whether you are viewing active rules or editing them. This lets you easily find the items you need to view or edit, especially when working in a large rule base.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Site Configuration, then double-click Rules.
  3. Click the button for the rule base you want to view.
    The incident rule base is selected by default.
  4. Click Search above the tree.
    The Find window opens.
  5. Enter the text you want to find in the rule base tree in the Find What field.
    By default, the search is not case sensitive.
    Tip: Wildcards are automatically added to the beginning and end of the text that you enter. This lets you search for items using text strings that are in the item names but that are not at the beginning or end of the names. For example, entering b in the Find What field returns all items containing the letter “b.”
  6. To make the search case sensitive, select the Match Case check box.
  7. To find items in the tree only if their names exactly match the search value you enter, select the Match Whole Word check box.
  8. To search for items starting at the bottom of the tree and proceeding up, select Up. To start from the top of the tree, select Down.
    Down is the default.
  9. Click Find Next to find the first state, function, rule, or variable in the rule base that matches the text you entered.
  10. Click Find Next again to find subsequent items in the tree that match the text.
  11. Click Close when you are finished with the search.