Select the Relative Time Condition Using a Task Due Date

This procedure shows you how to set a relative time condition using a task due date, but the procedure is the same for setting other relative time conditions.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Site Configuration, then double-click Rules.
  3. Click Task on the ribbon.
  4. Click Edit on the ribbon.
  5. Right-click the rule you want to add the relative time condition to, then select Edit.
  6. Click Add IF Condition Based On, then select Tasks > Due Date. In this example, assume you want to send a reminder email to staff members who have tasks due within the next eight hours.

    This image shows the If window, where Tasks.Due Date appears with the relative check box cleared.
  7. Select the Relative check box to set the condition based on a time relative to the task due date.
  8. Click the drop-down list above the Relative check box.
    The Relative Time window opens.
  9. Complete the fields in the Relative Time window.
    1. Click the Direction drop-down list, then select + (Future).
    2. Enter 8 in the Offset field.
    3. Click the Unit drop-down list, then select Hours.
    4. Click Save to save your settings and close the Relative Time window.
  10. Click the drop-down list next to the condition Relative check box, then select what you want the time you specified in step 9 to be compared.
    For example, if you wanted the rule to be triggered eight hours after a task is created, you could select Tasks.Created from the menu. In our example, you can leave the menu set to the default value of “Now,” because you want this rule to be triggered eight hours after any event occurs that causes the rule to be checked (such as when a task is edited).
  11. Click the Select Operator drop-down list, then select Less Than.
    In this example, we want the rule to be triggered when a task due date is less (earlier) than the relative time we specified.

What to do next

With this type of condition, you must add an action before you can save the rule. See Business Rule Actions.