Send a Single Response to a Contact Associated with Multiple Addresses

Follow this procedure to send a single response to a contact associated with multiple addresses.

Before you start

This procedure assumes you have enabled the site-wide configuration setting OE_SVC_SENDMAIL_SINGLE_ADDRESS (Common/General/Outgoing Email). See Edit a Configuration Setting.

Here's what to do

  1. Select the Send on Save check box.
    The Response title bar expands and displays the primary contact’s email address, an Attach button (paperclip icon), and a CC field.
  2. Click the drop-down list to the right of the primary contact’s email address and select the address to which you want to send the response.
    Note: This email address value remains for the life of the incident. New email addresses can be added to the contacts table by enabling the EGW_AUTO_CONT_CREATE configuration setting. For example, if a customer uses an email address to submit an incident through the Techmail utility, and that email address isn't in the contacts table, a new contact record is created for this email address. See Answer ID 12289 .
  3. Click Save.