Set Dashboard Search Defaults

You can change the default values set for the report parameters, for example you can specify the total number of rows returned in the reports.

  1. Edit a dashboard.
  2. Click the Home tab.
  3. Click Parameter Values to open the Set Filter Values window.

    The window displays the runtime selectable filters, comparison periods, and variables that are in the dashboard’s reports. If any of the reports have identical filters, comparison date offsets, or output variables, these are grouped together. You can also set limits on the number of rows returned on each page of the reports or the total number of rows the reports can return.

  4. Select the default values you want for the reports’ variables and filters.
  5. To set record or page limits on the reports, select options in the Limit section of the Set Filter Values window.
    1. Select the Limit To check box.
    2. Enter the number of rows to return.
    3. Select the Per Page check box to apply the entered row limit to each page of the report.
      Note: If the Per Page check box isn't selected, the row limit you enter restricts the total number of rows returned in the reports.
  6. To clear the customized default search parameters specified for the dashboard, click Settings and select Reset Values. When you do so, the dashboard’s default search parameters are reset to use the reports’ default search parameters.
  7. To modify the sizes and placement of the filters on the Search window, click Settings and select Enter Search Design Mode. See Overview of the Search Window.
  8. Click OK.