Validate Links in an Answer

You can check for broken links in HTML and URL answers.

Keep in mind that this procedure applies to hyperlinks and links to other answers. The broken links checker functions on a per-answer basis. When validating an HTML answer, the broken links checker scans text on the Question and Answer tabs. When validating a URL answer, the broken links checker scans the URL field.

  1. While editing an answer, click Check Links.
    The Check Links window opens and link validation begins.

    Check Links Window

    Column/Button Description
    Name This column displays the name of the links that have been checked for validity. If a link does not have a name, this column is empty. Because links in URL answers do not have names associated with them, this column is empty for all URL answers.
    Target This column displays the links that have been checked for validity. Hyperlinks open in a new browser, whereas answer links open on the Answer Preview window.
    Status This column displays the status of the links. The following statuses display depending on the type of link being validated.

    Valid—This status is used only for hyperlinks and signifies that the links checker successfully visited the link destination.

    Broken—This status is used only for hyperlinks and signifies that the links checker attempted to visit the link destination, but was unsuccessful.

    Does Not Exist—This status is used only for answer links and signifies that the links checker did not find the answer ID in the knowledge base.

    Public Status Type—This status is used only for answer links and signifies that the answer was found in the knowledge base and is associated with a Public status type.

    Private Status Type—This status is used only for answer links and signifies that the answer was found in the knowledge base and is associated with a Private status type.

    Action This column displays the actions that can be performed on the link. Currently, Edit is the only action available.
    Status Bar The status bar shows the progress of the validation process. It is not an indicator of the validity of the links. Rather, it is an indicator of the number of links being validated by the links checker.
    Revalidate Click this button to restart the validation process for all links displayed on the Check Links window.
  2. To edit a link, click Edit in the Action column of the link.
    If you are editing a hyperlink, the Edit Hyperlink window opens. If you are editing an answer link, the Edit Answer Link window opens.
    Note: Although you can update fields, such as changing the Target field, you cannot leave a field blank. If a link does not have a name associated with it, the Name field is disabled.
  3. Enter your changes in the appropriate fields.
  4. Click OK.
    The Edit Hyperlink or Edit Answer Link window closes and all links are automatically revalidated and display on the Check Links window.
  5. Click OK.