View a Product Report

You can view product, category, and disposition reports on the Products/Categories/Dispositions editor.

This procedure describes how to display a product report, but the procedure is the same for viewing category and disposition reports.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Service, and then double-click Products/Categories/Dispositions.
  3. Select the product for which you want to view a report.
  4. Click Product Reports and select one of the available options: Visibility, Answers, Incidents, Category Links, or Disposition Links.
    The report displays on the lower part of the editor.
  5. To see the answers, incidents, or category or disposition links associated with the product, click the value in the Answers column.
    A list of all records or links displays.
  6. To minimize the report, click the icon with two down arrows next to the Undock icon at the far right of the report header.
  7. To display the same report for a different product, select the product and click Refresh in the report header (not Refresh on the ribbon).
  8. To copy information in a report column (for example, to copy an incident reference number so you can search for the incident), right-click the item and select Copy Cell to Clipboard.


You can also view reports when you're editing an individual product, category, or disposition. The reports are available as buttons on the editor ribbon.

The following reports are available for products.

  • Visibility—Shows the product and all subproducts with check marks in the Admin and End-user columns that indicate where the product is visible on each interface.
  • Answers—Shows the product, including any subproducts, and the number of answers associated with each. You can then drill down on the number of answers to view all answers associated with the specific product.
  • Incidents—Shows the product, including any subproducts, and the number of incidents associated with each. You can then drill down on the number of incidents to view all incidents associated with the specific product.
  • Category Links—Shows the number of category links for the selected product. If the selected product is a parent product, category links are displayed for each of the subproducts that is linked to a category. You can drill down on the number of links to view the category links for each product.
  • Disposition Links—Shows the number of disposition links for the selected product. (If the selected product is a parent product, disposition links are displayed for each of the subproducts that is linked to a disposition.) You can drill down on the number of links to view the disposition links for each product.

The following reports are available for categories.

  • Visibility—Shows the category and all subcategories with check marks in the Admin and End-user columns that indicate where the category is visible on each interface.
  • Answers—Shows the category, including any subcategories, and the number of answers associated with each. You can then drill down on the number of answers to view those answers.
  • Incidents—Shows the category, including any subcategories, and the number of incidents associated with each. You can then drill down on the number of incidents to view those incidents.
  • Category Links—Shows the number of product links for the selected category. You can drill down on the number of links to view the products linked to each category.

The following reports are available for dispositions.

  • Visibility—Shows the disposition and all subdispositions with check marks in the Admin column that indicate where the disposition is visible on each interface. (Dispositions are not visible on the customer portal so End-user visibility is not an option.)
  • Incidents—Shows the disposition, including any subdispositions, and the number of incidents associated with each. You can then drill down on the number of incidents to view those incidents.
  • Disposition Links—Shows the number of product links for the selected disposition. You can drill down on the number of links to view the products linked to each disposition.