View an Archived Incident

When you find the archived incident you're looking for, you can open it to view the incident details. You can also print, export, or delete the incident.

  1. From the list of search results, open the archived incident you want to view.
    Note: B2C Service workspaces do not apply to archived incidents. Therefore, the layout of archived incidents and the location of certain fields are different from the way incidents normally display on the Agent Browser UI. If an incident includes HTML formatting when it's archived, the HTML formatting is retained and displays on the content pane.
  2. View the archived incident details.

    Archived Incident Details

    Sidebar/Tab Description
    Incident sidebar Displays the incident reference number, the staff member and queue the incident was last assigned to, the interface name, and any other information that applies to the incident such as product, category, and disposition.
    Messages Displays the incident thread.
    Details Displays the source of the incident and any custom fields associated with the incident.
    Audit Log Displays the history of all actions taken on the incident by the incident originator and other staff members. Also included is the date of each action.
    Organization Displays organization information, including the organization name, total revenue currency, source level, and CX state.
    Contact Displays the contact’s information, including name, email address, login, date created, and date updated.
    Secondary Incident Contact Displays the secondary contact's information.
    SLA Instance Displays the SLA instance applied to the contact or the organization associated to the archived incident.