View a Report Audit Log

You can open an audit log for a report to see when the report was created, edited, run, and published, and which staff members performed these actions.

Since the audit log is a report, you can perform common report actions on the audit log, such as printing, forwarding, or slicing.

The audit log shows you when the report was edited and generated, but not all actions performed, such as previewing the report, are listed in the audit log. If you need to see every instance of a report or dashboard being generated, printed, exported, and previewed, you can use the Expanded Report Audit Log. See View the Expanded Report Audit Log.

  1. Open the report on the report designer.
  2. Click Audit Log on the Home tab.
    The Audit Log window opens.
  3. To access a list of actions that can be taken on the audit log, click Options.
    See Overview of the Report Ribbon for descriptions of the actions.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click X on the top right.