Wrap Up and Terminate a Chat Session

Either you or the customer can end the chat session. If the customer ends the session, a message asks if you want to terminate or wrap up the session. Alternatively, you can click the Wrap-up or Terminate buttons to end the session.

By default, an incident is created when a chat session begins and an Incident field displays as a key field containing the incident’s reference number. You can edit the incident while chatting with a customer by right-clicking the reference number and selecting Open.

Your administrator can configure chat to create an incident when you terminate or wrap up a chat automatically, or by prompting you to save the chat as an incident for tracking and reporting purposes. If you choose to create an incident, it is assigned to you with a status and status type set by your administrator. The dialog from the chat session is inserted as a response thread.

  1. To enter wrap-up mode, click Wrap-up.
    1. Complete any post-chat tasks such as creating an incident, adding the chat to an existing incident, or creating an opportunity from the chat. You can edit this incident in the same manner as any other incident, including changing the incident subject.

      When you create an incident, the chat transcript is inserted as a response thread on the Messages tab. The party that initially disconnected from the chat (customer or agent) is also identified in the response thread. In the event the chat transcript is converted to an incident and emailed to the customer, private chat messages that took place between you and other agents during the chat are hidden to prevent customers from seeing them.

    2. Click Terminate.
  2. To end the session without entering wrap-up mode, click Terminate.


The chat session closes and the chat transcript is inserted as a response thread on the Messages tab of the incident.