Cache Reports and Dashboards at Scheduled Times

Caching reports and dashboards that require large database queries can significantly improve report performance.

Running reports and dashboards that pull large amounts of information from multiple database tables can strain database resources. If several users need to run such reports and dashboards regularly, the resulting load can adversely impact site performance. Caching these reports and dashboards on a schedule can greatly reduce the load on the database while providing recent data for your reporting needs.

You can specify when you want your reports or dashboards cached. By default, they're cached hourly, though you can set caching intervals as short as fifteen minutes. Cached reports or dashboards are run on the server at the specified caching time. When a user needs to access the report or dashboard, they open it as they normally would. However, the report or dashboard they see is the version that was cached earlier. At the next scheduled caching time, the report or dashboard is run on the server again, replacing the previous version.

  1. Click Analytics on the navigation pane.
  2. Double-click Reports Explorer.
  3. Go to the report or dashboard you want to cache, right-click the report or dashboard, and select Edit.
  4. Click Caching on the Home tab.
    The Caching Options window opens.
  5. Enter field information.

    Caching Options Window

    Field Description
    Enable Results Caching Select this check box to cache the report or dashboard at scheduled times. The other fields on the Caching Options window are disabled when this check box is cleared.

    Schedule Times

    Select the times of day that you want the report or dashboard data to be cached. You can click the plus signs next to the hour menu items to view and select fifteen-minute intervals.

    Select All

    Click this text to automatically select all hourly intervals. Fifteen-minute intervals aren't selected when you click this.

    Clear All

    Click this text to clear all times that have been selected.

    Recurrence Pattern

    Select the weekly or monthly caching intervals in this section.

    Clear All

    Click this text to clear all selected recurrence pattern check boxes.


    Select this option to display check boxes for each date in a month. You can then select the dates of the month you want caching to occur.


    Select this option to display check boxes for each day of the week. You can then select the check boxes next to the days you want caching to occur.

    When you select the Weekly option, a Recur drop-down list displays where you can specify which weeks you want caching to occur. For example, if you want a report cached every week on the selected days, enter 1 in the field. If you want the report cached only every third week on the selected days, enter 3 in the field. This field accepts values from 1 to 99.

    Schedule Specific Months

    Click this text to select the months you want caching to occur. By default, every month is selected, but if you do not want caching to occur during a specific month, you can clear the check box for that month.

    Clear All

    Click this text to clear all check boxes for the selected months.

  6. Click OK.