Configure an Agent Browser UI Mailbox Editor

You can configure your Service Console to display an Agent Browser UI mailbox editor, allowing you to use OAuth authentication.

You can create a custom configuration setting to configure an Agent Browser UI mailbox editor in the Service Console.

If you use a general Service mailbox supplied by Microsoft, such as Outlook or Office 365, you need to configure your mailbox settings in B2C Service to use OAuth authentication. This is in keeping with Microsoft’s end of service support for Exchange mailboxes. When you implement this email authentication correctly, you can continue to send emails to contact centers using Microsoft mailboxes without any mail delivery problems. See Configure OAuth Authentication Settings.

  1. From the Service Console, click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Site Configuration, and then double-click Configuration Settings.
  3. Click Search.
  4. Click New and select Yes/No on the ribbon.
    A new configuration setting opens on the content pane of the Configuration Settings editor. By default, the custom configuration setting name starts with CUSTOM_CFG_ and is automatically assigned to a Custom folder in the folder hierarchy.
  5. To configure an Agent Browser UI mailbox editor in the Service Console, enter CUSTOM_CFG_BUI_MB_ENABLED in the Key field.
    1. Click the Type drop-down list and select Site. Site is the default and classifies the custom configuration setting is shared across all interfaces. Interface classifies the custom configuration setting as interface-specific only.
    2. The Required drop-down list is read-only.
    3. Custom is the default folder. Leave this setting as it is.
    4. Click the Default drop-down list and select the default setting.
    5. Click Save.


You must log out of the Service Console and log back in to see your changes.