View Add-In Log Messages

After add-ins are installed, you can view log files of the activity related to add-ins you use or that you have added or deleted from the Add-In Manager.

Add-in logging is particularly useful for add-in developers or administrators who need to test or troubleshoot add-ins. You can also view which add-ins are enabled for your profile that might impact the behavior of the Service Console. All messages on the Log Messages window are removed when you log out of B2C Service. However, you can save the messages for later viewing or remove the messages without logging out of the application. These options apply only to the messages displayed on the window’s active tab.

Note: The entries on the Log Messages window are deleted when you log out of the administration interface. In addition, the messages are unique to your session and do not include messages related to other staff member sessions. However, you can save the messages to text files for later viewing.
  1. Click File and then select Add-In Logging.
    1. To view the current log file, select View Current Log File.
    2. To view the previous log file, select View Previous Log File.
    The Log Messages window opens. Two tabs are available on the window. The Log Messages tab shows only messages you choose to see, and the In Memory Log Messages tab displays all messages related to your add-in activity during your current session. Each message is associated with one of these message types.

    Add-In Logging Message Types

    Message Type Description
    Error Error messages describe problems add-ins encounter that prevent them from working correctly.
    Warning Warning messages describe possible issues that may prevent add-ins from working as expected.
    Information Information messages describe events that happen to add-ins, such as when they are activated or deleted on the Add-In Manager.
    Verbose Verbose messages describe the flow of add-in actions, such as when an add-in executes an action. These messages are not displayed on the In Memory Log Messages tab.
    Activity Tracing Activity Tracing messages provide additional details about add-in activity, such as the amount of time it takes to execute an add-in action. These messages are not displayed on the In Memory Log Messages tab.
  2. To view only certain types of messages or messages pertaining to certain activities, click the Log Messages tab and then select which message types you want to view from the drop-down lists.

    Add-In Logging Drop-down Lists

    Drop-down List Description
    Activation Logger Message types in this drop-down list are written to the log file when add-ins are activated or initialized. Entries will also be written when initialization fails or an exception occurs during activation or initialization.
    Distribution Logger Message types in this drop-down list are written to the log file when add-in files are uploaded, updated, or removed.
    Component Logger Message types in this drop-down list are written to the log file by active add-ins that use the IGlobalContext.LogMessage API.
    Usage Logger Message types in this drop-down list are written to the log file when add-ins are used. The specific entries written to the log vary depending on the add-in functions.
  3. To remove log messages you do not want to see, select the tab showing the messages and then click Clear Messages.
  4. To save the log file to a text file you can open for later viewing using a third-party text editor, select the tab with the messages you want to save and then click Save Messages.
    A window opens where you select the location and name of the text file containing the log messages.