Update E-mail Addresses

Use the Users tab in the Security Console work area to change e-mail addresses for Customer Data Management Cloud users. Only setup users, and other users with the IT Security Manager job role, can access the Security Console.

  1. Open the Security Console from under Tools. Alternatively, you can access it from Setup and Maintenance work area using the following:

    • Offering: Customer Data Management

    • Functional Area: Initial Users

    • Task: Create Implementation Users

  2. Click the Users tab.

  3. Search for the user using one of the following:

    • First or last name, but not both

    • User name

  4. Click the user name link.

  5. On the User Account Details window, click Edit.

  6. In the Edit User Account window, edit the e-mail address.

    Note: Don't edit any of the other information available on the Edit User Account page. Use the Manage Users task instead.
  7. Click Save and Close.